

How long will Delivery take?.

Shipping from Neau Tropics Cakes typically requires 3 working days for processing and delivery.

What exactly happens after ordering?.

Immediately we receive your order, an email will be forwarded to you to confirm your order and we begin processing your order and both parties discuss further on how payments will be made for the order.

Will I receive an invoice for my order?.

Yes Shehits different cakes will send you an invoice after you place your order.

Who is eligible to purchase on your site?.

Only qualified clients over the age of 19 are able to purchase marijuana through our site. There are absolutely no exceptions to this rule.

Can I cancle my order?.

If you have not paid yet then yes otherwise once you have made payment and we accepted there are no refunds, if there is a problem with your product email info@neautropics.store with invoice number and a picture of the product with a description of what happened and we can help you out.

Can I talk to someone from your company?.

Absolutely! Email info@neautropics.store but For most circumstances we do not take phone calls unless specifically requested via email.

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